It pays your bills, provides your profits and drives your stock price. It enables and sustains your competitive position. How do you create value for your institution in a timely fashion?
Since 1987 Bank Analysis Center, Inc. (BAC) has delivered management consulting and investment banking advice to executive management and directors in banks and thrifts. Whether your assets are measured in billions or millions, the issues are fundamentally reducible to balancing risk and return. We help you create value by analyzing risk and return and developing solutions to questions in six key areas:
- Strategy
What is the best growth strategy? How do we develop a plan? How can we improve earnings?read more...
- Merger and Acquisition Counseling
Should we sell now or build and expand? Should we merge? What are we really worth if we sell?read more...
- Corporate Finance
What is the best long term capital structure? Should we issue common stock, preferred stock or Trust Preferred Stock?read more...
- Bank Regulatory Issues
How do we go about starting a de novo bank? What is our best choice for a charter? What is the process, how long does it take and what does it cost? How do we respond to an enforcement action?read more...
- Financial Measurement & Control
Do we have the right financial measurement and control systems? How can we improve these systems to monitor and enhance performance?read more...
- Executive Search
What succession planning steps should we be thinking about? read more...
- Bankers Bench Software
Over the course of twenty years BAC has developed a collection of proprietary and powerful top management software tools and models.read more...